Trello There!

If anyone is interested in how things are going at a quick glance, I'm logging how things are rolling on Trello and remember to update my website semi-frequently! :) I don't know if there's etiquette around linking to blogs, so for now I'll probably copypaste future entries here also. :)

The rewrite is going swimmingly so far, I'm far beyond my original estimation. Working in a real company has given me so much experience of how to make systems more maintainable, and how to harness Unity better. I've even been able to learn how to make some shaders, which I've been able to add to the game.

It doesn't look like much yet, but I'm proud of how things are going, and am excited to share more when I can. I want to reduce the wait time on builds down, so that I can get faster feedback on things and get some real momentum and interest in the project by showing instead of telling. :) I hope this pays off.

Thank you for reading this. :)

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